Conferences & Services

Together with the Center for Burma Studies, Northern Illinois University, the Inya Institute was the co-convenor of the 13th International Burma Studies Conference in Bangkok on August 3-5, 2018. The theme was: Distant Past(s), Latest News: Scholarly Insights on Myanmar/Burma.

The range of topics covered by the conference participants was very diverse: archaeology, anthropology, economics, environmental and development studies, geography, history, political sciences, sociology, etc….

With the participation of nearly 300 participants, this was the largest Burma Studies Conference ever with six panel sessions run concurrently.

The panels and presenters’ schedule is available at:

The abstract program is available at:

As Inya Institute is a Yangon-based organization, it is in a great position to offer its services for helping to organize conferences, seminars, and workshops. Because the issue of logistics can be particularly complex in Yangon, the institute facilitates the renting of space, the hotel room booking, the catering, and any other issues too difficult to handle from overseas.

If you represent an international university, a higher-education institution, an international aid or cultural organization and be interested in organizing such events in Yangon, please feel free to contact at: